The municipal environmental center invites you to participate in the contest

konkurs na nazwę akcji wymiany roślin

Already this summer, the Municipal Ecological Center is starting a series of events addressed at improving the aesthetics of the Żywiec City. As part of the project "SMART ŻYWIEC - (r)evolution" financed by EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and the state budget. MEC will prepare and introduce two editions of contest for the prettiest garden and balcony, organize workshops and consultations for citizens who want to take care of their properties.

We will also soon inaugurate plant replacement campaigns. Specially dedicated points will be set up all throughout the city. Outdoor events and the creation of a social media group are also planned. This is a huge undertaking that will run until the end of 2023. Details will be announced soon. Meantime, we invite you to take part in a contest for the name for plant exchange action. Suggestions can be posted under the MEC Facebook dedicated for this action. We are waiting for proposals until July 15-th. From the submitted suggestions, we will choose one, which the plant exchange action at MEC will be named.

We sincerely invite you to participate in the contest. Five authors of the most interesting proposals will be rewarded with gift sets with the MEC logo.


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